Granola bread
Every Christmas, my Uncle Austin gives the family homemade granola. During a recent survey of my refrigerator, I found a bag from the previous year. Because his ingredients are all dried goods, it was still sweet, crunchy, and fulfilling.
When planning a visit to my family, I decided to bring them something homemade. My grandma’s favorite treat during the cooler months has always been her mother’s ------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for reading! This is a premium post available to subscribers only. While most of the site is open to all, if you'd like access to this and other terrific premium content, please consider purchasing a subscription, which starts as low as $25 a year. Each subscription helps support Homesick Texan and keep it running. (Here are some frequently asked questions about the subscriptions.) Thank you for your consideration! If you're already a subscriber, login below to read this post: