Hatch green chile chicken enchiladas
In most regions of Texas, when one orders enchiladas verdes, the green salsa that drapes the dish will be made with tart tomatillos and green peppers such as jalapeños or…
In most regions of Texas, when one orders enchiladas verdes, the green salsa that drapes the dish will be made with tart tomatillos and green peppers such as jalapeños or…
When it comes to quick meals, one wouldn’t think roasting a whole chicken would be on my shortlist of things to prepare. Yet, the most challenging task is getting the…
“An El Paso classic,” touted the postscript on an intriguing-sounding recipe. The dish called for roasted long-green chiles, bacon, and a pound and a half of cheese. It went under…
“Is this correct?” I asked my server one morning at an airy restaurant close to downtown San Antonio. I had asked for a breakfast taco, but he had brought me…
Recently, I’ve been feeling nostalgic for the cafeteria experience. While there are many dishes I’ve enjoyed there over the years, there was always one item I was curious about but…
A friend in Houston mentioned he was craving the Dr Pepper sticky wings he’d enjoyed at a local spot. They were savory and sweet, he said, and he’d polished the…
When I lived in New York, I had a fellow homesick Texan friend who introduced me to the concept of pralines and ice cream. He would take the beloved Tex-Mex…
The first time I had a San Antonio bean burger was on a hot summer day. I was wandering in my car outside of town and off a quiet road…
The first time I saw the phrase, “Wop salad,” I did a double-take. I was reading Texas newspaper articles from the 1950s, and in several of the pieces people stated…
A reader once said his favorite comfort food was arroz con pollo. It was a weeknight staple in his home growing up in McAllen, and no matter where he found…